News & Events

  • FREE Computer Basics Class!
    6 week course, Tues and Thurs 5:30-7:30pm. Enroll now! See the News page for more information.
  • Citizenship Class
    Citizenship classes available. Enroll now! See the News page for more information.
  • Learn English and Intro to Caregiving
    English as a Second Language classes are available as well as Intro to Caregiving. See the News page for more information.
  • AutoCAD and SolidWorks, Accounting, and QuickBooks Pro
    Learn to use AutoCAD and SolidWorks in these classes. Learn accounting skills in Accounting and QuickBooks Pro. See the News page for latest details on these classes.
  • ENCORE and WDA FREE Classes Now Available
    ENCORE offers basic computer and technology training for senior job seekers. The Workforce Development Academy (WDA) provides training to help job seekers improve existing skills and develop new ones. See the News page for more information.
  • NCCT Services
    Ventura Adult and Continuing Education provides Phlebotomy and Medical Assistant certification testing services through National Center for Competency Testing. See the News page for more information.

Students can register either at the Ventura Adult and Continuing Education office at 5200 Valentine Road or in class. Students wishing to enroll in the Career Technical Education programs must register at the Adult Education office. A registration fee applies. All Career Technical Education program students must show proof of a high school diploma or GED® in order to enroll. Call (805) 289-1744 for more information about class enrollment. You may contact a counselor when you see this link: Register Online Here

VACE is offering both in-person and hybrid education. As classes are subject to change, please call (805) 289-1744 if you have questions. Some classes may require a counseling appointment before registration.

High School Diploma students must enroll with the counselor by appointment by calling (805) 289-1749 Monday – Friday from 8-5 pm. We are located at 5280 Valentine Road.


The Governing Board is committed to equal opportunity for all individuals in education. District programs, activities and employment shall be free from discrimination based on gender, race, color, religion, national origin, ethnic group, marital or parental status, physical or mental disability or any other unlawful consideration. The Board shall promote programs which ensure that discriminatory practices are eliminated in all district activities.” (BP 0410) For complete information regarding VACE policies, see our catalog.

This is a “non-smoking” campus.

VACE’s Career Technical Education Admission Policies

VACE will admit any Career Technical Education students who are at least 18 years of age, possess high school diplomas, GEDs®, or equivalent, have career technical education objectives, and can benefit from training. Proof of high school diploma, General Equivalency Development (GED®), or equivalent is required at enrollment. Diplomas from foreign countries must be evaluated for equivalency before admission. Students aged 18 and under who are presently attending high school are not eligible for enrollment. Eligible students may enroll at any time during the year on a programmatic space-available basis. Students applying for financial aid must meet all federal requirements. VACE provides educational opportunities regardless of age, heritage, handicapping condition, or background.

Students who do not have high school diplomas, GED®, or other high school equivalent certificates may enroll in VACE’s high school diploma program or equivalency test preparation courses prior to enrollment in CTE programs. Ventura Adult and Continuing Education provides GED® and HiSET test preparation classes at no cost.

Prospective CTE students are required to meet with counselors or administrators prior to enrollment. Prospective students are shown the facilities, introduced to the staff and faculty members, and informed about how course content relates to future employment opportunities. All students must meet specific program prerequisites and complete all enrollment procedures prior to admission. (See specific information for the Pharmacy Technician and Todd Road Jail Programs on the program pages.)

Dress Expectations

The purpose of the Career and Technical Education training programs is to prepare students for the workforce. Proper readiness is a complete package that involves more than just technical training. Readiness includes proper work attitude, academic skills, and grooming. For the latter, Ventura Adult and Continuing Education have established minimum expectations in the areas of business dress and grooming for students in training.

The guideline followed is that students’ appearance should meet the conventions of the business for which they are being trained to enter. While formal business dress is not required, relaxed dress along the lines of the workplace is expected. Scrubs are required for medical students. Beware of being too casual. Making a good impression on externship employers or prospective employers, whether in the classroom or on an interview, is crucial to employability. Clean, well-chosen clothes can make the difference.


Ventura Unified School District has zero tolerance of any form of verbal, physical, or sexual harassment in order to ensure positive learning environments for all students.

Students and staff are urged to immediately report any incidents of sexual harassment to the director/principal or any other staff member.

Formal complaints of harassment can be filed in accordance with the VUSD Uniform Complaint Procedures.

Uniform Complaint Procedure

Students are encouraged to first discuss concerns or complaints regarding personnel, practices, policies, or procedures with a school administrator. If they feel a need to make a formal complaint with the school administration, they may submit a form to the VACE administration. If students still feel the problem has not been satisfactorily handled, they may then file a complaint with the Ventura Unified School District. The policy and forms are available at the Ventura Adult and Continuing Education Administrative Office.

The Williams, et al., vs. State of California, et al. (Williams) case was filed as a class action in 2000. The basis of the lawsuit was that the agencies failed to provide public school students with equal access to instructional materials, safe and decent school facilities, and qualified teachers.

It is the intention of the Ventura Unified School District Governing Board that every member of the community shall have the right for prompt and orderly redress of a grievance relating to an alleged violation of federal or state laws or regulations of educational programs. Therefore, pursuant to California Code of Regulations, Title 5, Section 4600, the District has developed necessary procedures to process a complaint regarding educational services provided by the adult school. The policy and forms are available at the Ventura Adult and Continuing Education offices.

Additionally, if complaints are not handled at the institutional level, contact the accreditation commission, Western Association of Schools and Colleges, 533 Airport Boulevard, Suite 200, Burlingame, CA 94010.

Ventura Adult and Continuing Education is accredited by the Commission of the Council on Occupational Education. If complaints are not handled at the institutional level, contact the Council on Occupational Education at 7840 Roswell Road, Building 300, Suite 325, Atlanta, GA 30350, telephone: 770-396-3898/FAX: 770-396-3790,