FREE Computer Basics Class!
6 week course, Tues and Thurs 5:30-7:30pm. Enroll now! See the News page for more information.Citizenship Class
Citizenship classes available. Enroll now! See the News page for more information.Learn English and Intro to Caregiving
English as a Second Language classes are available as well as Intro to Caregiving. See the News page for more information.AutoCAD and SolidWorks, Accounting, and QuickBooks Pro
Learn to use AutoCAD and SolidWorks in these classes. Learn accounting skills in Accounting and QuickBooks Pro. See the News page for latest details on these classes.ENCORE and WDA FREE Classes Now Available
ENCORE offers basic computer and technology training for senior job seekers. The Workforce Development Academy (WDA) provides training to help job seekers improve existing skills and develop new ones. See the News page for more information.NCCT Services
Ventura Adult and Continuing Education provides Phlebotomy and Medical Assistant certification testing services through National Center for Competency Testing. See the News page for more information.Administration
Dr. Scott McNutt
Ed.D., University of Southern California
Email: Scott.McNutt@AdultEdVentura.edu
Phone: 805.289.1744 Extension 1108Director/Principal Jeffrey Albaugh
MA, Pacifica Graduate Institute
Email: Jeffrey.Albaugh@AdultEdVentura.edu
Phone: 805.289.1744 Extension 1229Assistant Principal Sean Bell
MBA, California Pacific University
MA/TESL Spring Arbor University
Email: Sean.Bell@AdultEdVentura.edu
Phone: 805.289.1744 Extension 1303Assistant Principal Full-Time Instructional Staff
Josh Ball CSWA (Certified SolidWorks Associate)
AS, Ventura College
Teaching Credential, State of CaliforniaScott Collins ACP (Autodesk Certified Professional-AutoCAD)
CSWA (Certified SolidWorks Associate)
Teaching Credential, State of CaliforniaJim Earley MA, Rocky Mountain College of Art + Design Tim Fries Teaching Credential, State of California Margie Garzon M.Ed., Azusa Pacific University Brian Harrison MCSA, Teaching Credential, State of California Josue Vasquez BS, California State University Sacramento Nicole Hofferbert BA/BS, University of La Verne Sandra Jennings MA/MS/M.ED., Vanguard University Elesia Jones Teaching Credential, State of California Michael Mandel (To be updated) Gisela Martinez AA, Ventura College; AS, Santa Barbara City College Mariya Messier BS, University of Plovdiv, Bulgaria Rich Sigerist AA, Ventura College Susan Vinson BA, Wichita State University Christine Wilson BA, Flagler College Mary Wilson BA, Ripon College Part-Time Instructional Staff
Jane Advani BS, Northland College Monica Borkowski BA, California State University Sacramento Joslynn Browne BS, Westmont College Amy Crittenden BA, Fort Lewis College Cindy Dorn AA, Fullerton College Sam Harley BS, State University of New York, New Paltz Josue Hernandez BA, California State University, Channel Islands Brianne Hochhaus BA, California State University, Channel Islands Michelle Johnson MA, MS, M.Ed., Pepperdine University Judy Klement Teaching Credential, State of California Diana Lopez M.Ed., University of Laverne Shari (Meg) Megginson BA, University of the Pacific Susan Martz M.Ed., University of Pittsburgh Wendy Sanchez M.Ed., Concordia University Heidi Sohn BA, University of Arizona Marguerite Stouthamer MA, California Lutheran University
MA, Antioch University, Los AngelesLynne Thurston BS, Wayne State University Natalie Tomatis BA, California State University, Sacramento Maria Uribe MA, Stockholms universitet Carla Valdez BA, California State University, Northridge Pam Williams M.Ed., SOKA University of America Angelina Yim MA, University of California, Los Angeles Classified Staff
Frank Ayala Custodian Juan Carlos Lopez Beltran Custodian Lisa Chapman School Support Secretary Kendall Griffin Attendance Technician Valerie L. Melendez Accountant Leticia Murillo Billing Services Myra Nunley Financial Aid Technician Timothy Oglesbee Studio Production Technician Javier Perez Custodian Vicki Stiffler Vocational Enrollments Halyna Turchyn Assessment Technician Kathy Walker Special Assistant